Let's talk about the NDIS...

We are NDIS Registered Providers

Insite Support builds your ability to connect with informal, community and funded NDIS supports enabling you to get the most out of your NDIS plan and achieve your goals.

Check all our services.

NDIS self management

NDIS Specialist Support Coordination

Assisting participants with high support needs and complex risk factors to navigate changes while working with broader stakeholders.

NDIS support coordinator

NDIS Support Coordination

Removing barriers, implementing proven pathways leading you towards physical and financial independence with NDIS support coordinator.

NDIS Mentoring & Support Coordinator

NDIS Self Management and Capacity Building

Guidance for individuals
living with disability, defining goals and developing practical steps towards lifestyle independence.

Understanding the NDIS

What is the NDIA?
The NDIS and YOU
Starting your first NDIS Plan

What is Support

We support you to build your ability to connect with informal, community and funded supports enabling you to get the most out of your NDIS plan and achieve your goals.

    • NDIS support coordinator

      Assessment of current capabilities

    • NDIS support coordination

      Expert advice and solutions

    • NDIS support coordinator Brisbane

      Implementation assistance

    • NDIS support coordinator gold coast

      Growth and wellbeing support

NDIS support coordinator Sunshine Coast

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

General Questions

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Specific NDIS Questions

Find answers for questions about our products

Other Questions

Find answers for most common asked questions

General Questions

Supports and services funded by the NDIS

The NDIS funds a range of supports and services, which may include education, employment, social participation, independence, living arrangements, and health and wellbeing.

A reasonable and necessary support or service:

• must be related to your permanent disability
• must not include day-to-day living costs unrelated to your disability support needs, such as groceries
• should represent value for money
• must be likely to be effective and work for you
• should take into account support given to you by other government services, your family, carers, networks and the community.

What is the difference between a NDIS Support Coordinator and an LAC (Local Area Coordinator)?

A NDIS Support Coordinator can help implement your plan and build your ability to connect with supports and services. Your NDIS Planner may also consider a NDIS Support Coordinator if your situation is more complex or you have specifc goals you need help to achieve. Visit ndis.gov.au for more information on NDIS Support Coordination.

An LAC will connect people with disability to supports, services, activities in their community and other government services. LAC also work in communities to help them become more accessible and inclusive for all people with disability.

What is the difference between NDIS plan managed and NDIS self management?

Learn More

NDIS Self management
Self-managing your funds gives you maximum independence and flexibility in managing your support. You have control over, and responsibility for, your NDIS funding.

If you NDIS self manage, you are responsible for purchasing supports within your budget. Purchases must be in line with the intent of your funding and help you achieve the goals you have identified identified in your plan.

If you NDIS self manage, you can:
•Decide who provides the supports in your plan—they can be an NDIS registered provider or an unregistered provider.
•Employ your own staff or pay someone else to employ them on your behalf. Family members cannot be employed to provide support to you.
•Purchase more supports using any savings you make by arranging your services, provided they are in line with what is agreed in your NDIS plan.

There are additional requirements and responsibilities for people who self-manage their NDIS funds, including record keeping, acquittals and payment of provider invoices. A number of obligations and responsibilities also apply to participants choosing to employ their own staff.

Learn more in the Guide to Self-Management, available on the NDIS website ndis.gov.au or ask your e c i Coordinator, l a c or NDIA Planner for a copy.

NDIS Plan Management

If you choose to use a NDIS Plan Manager, they will be funded in your plan. They will pay your providers for the supports you purchase, help you keep track of your funds and do any financial reporting for you. You can do the same things as if you were self-managing, except a NDIS Plan Manager pays the bills for you. Depending on your circumstances and the type of support in your plan, a Plan Manager can also help you to find providers.

Your NDIS Plan Manager must be an NDIS registered provider and they will claim directly from the budgets in your plan to pay your providers on your behalf.

Specific NDIS Questions

How can I use my consumables funding?

Everyone’s NDIS plan will be different and their requirements for consumables will vary. To support this, NDIS consumables that can be purchased using NDIS funding are split into categories including daily continence supplies, wound care products, nutritional aids, skincare, daily living aids and protective aids.

Products that fall into these categories can help manage symptoms of incontinence, dysphagia (difficulty swallowing) and walking and mobility difficulties. Products that you might need as part of your core support needs could include disposable pads and pants, catheters, condom drainage equipment, leg bags, and bed and chair protection products.

What can I purchase with Low Cost Assistive Technology funding?

Participants who have AT needs may have funding included in their Consumables budget to enable them to purchase low risk, low cost AT. This was often included in a participant’s plan as ‘Daily Adaptive Equipment’, but is now being renamed as ‘Low Cost AT’.

Participants who are self-managing  
Most participants who have Low Cost AT included in their plan (under ‘Consumables’) are self-managing these supports. This enables participants to purchase Low Cost AT directly from the provider of their choice, and to claim the payment via the myplace participant portal (no service booking required).

Participants whose funds are Plan-managed
Participants whose funds are Plan-managed will work with their Registered Plan Management Provider to make payment arrangements with their AT provider.

Participants whose funds are Agency-managed
Participants who have opted to have their Low Cost AT Agency-managed will need a service booking created in order for the provider to claim for Low Cost AT in their in plan. Providers must have some form of clear agreement from the participant in order to create a service booking, and subsequent payment request against that participant’s plan. This may be a written service agreement, a signature to proceed on a quote, email instructions or similar.

Do I have to follow the NDIS price guide?

The NDIS Price Guide is subject to change on a regular basis.

The guide is updated at least once a year at the NDIA’s discretion.to change. You can check the NDIS website for the latest version.

The NDIS creates services that are designed and driven by participants, not the funding body, and as such the Price Guide does not provide much practice guidance. Reasonable and necessary and NDIS eligibility criteria are legislations and cannot be changed easily. However, there is room to move within the pricing guide if you are familiar with its structure. The NDIS is a funding body, their role is to fund and facilitate your choice.

It is important to note that the descriptions are vague. The NDIA has left them open to interpretation to maximise your control.

Other Questions

Do I have to share my plan with my providers?

You do not have to give anyone a copy of your NDIS plan. Sharing your plan is your choice.You can choose to share parts or all of your plan with your service providers through the myplace portal. In particular, you may want to share information about you and your goals so they know what you want to achieve and how you would like them to help you.

All providers must comply with the Privacy Act 1988 and must not share your personal information with anyone else without your permission.

If you have concerns about your privacy, speak to your provider about their privacy policy and rules.

Do I need a service agreement when engaging an NDIS provider?

A service agreement is an agreement between people or businesses when one party agrees to provide goods or services to the other. In the context of the NDIS, a service agreement is between you and your chosen provider. The NDIA is not a party to this agreement.

You should have a clear understanding of how the supports will be provided.

It is good practice, but not mandatory (with the exception of Specialist Disability Accommodation), to make a service agreement. The NDIA makes this recommendation so you and your providers are clear about what you have agreed.

A service agreement may outline what services will be provided by the provider, the roles and responsibilities of both parties, how to resolve any problems, and what happens if you or the provider wants to change or cancel the agreement.

Providers should support you to understand any service agreement using the language, mode of communication and terms you understand.

Service agreements should refect what has been agreed to and all prices should be clear. Your provider may have their own standard service agreement you may like to use, or you can create your own.

You should be aware of your rights under Australian Consumer Law when creating a service agreement with a provider.

Do I have to pay the rate in the NDIS price Guide?

The NDIA currently sets some of the maximum prices that registered NDIS providers can charge for their services in the NDIS Price Guide. The Price Guide can be found at ndis.gov.au.

NDIS registered providers can charge less than the listed price but cannot charge more than the maximum price, except for self-managed participants who may choose to pay more. If you choose to pay more, you need to ensure you have enough funding in your budgets.

You can negotiate the price you will pay for a service with your provider and it should be agreed and it is good practice to have this recorded in a service agreement. The NDIA updates prices on 1 July each year and publishes them on at ndis.gov.au.

If you self-manage your NDIS funds, you can negotiate the cost of the agreed service with your providers.

For funds managed through the NDIA or a Plan Manager, NDIS registered providers cannot exceed the NDIS Price Guide.